“It’s finally time for an introduction to the Substack community.” - Clee
Yes, I procrastinated on this piece. I didn’t write an introduction to the Substack community when I first launched Behind the Lens. My intention was to create one for my first anniversary here on Substack back in October, but I didn’t. Taking photos comes easily to me, and, surprisingly, so does writing about the experiences behind my camera. Writing about myself, however, is a different story. But I turned on some tunes and got to it—here’s my first piece of 2025.
Who am I as a photographer? It took me a while to find my groove and really define myself and my style. I never fit into the typical niches of photography. My interests are diverse—I don’t specialize. For me, that would limit my creativity. Black-and-white photography is my thing. I love dramatic lighting, especially when it's done with window light. My style is edgy, with my main question to myself as a creator being, “How can I do this differently?”
My focus is creative and documentary photography, but I also have a passion for capturing the world of fashion, diverse cultures, and the grit and soul of city streets. So, what I’ve come to know about myself is that I am a life photographer—that’s my niche. I have three ongoing social issue-based projects: Woman, Di-vur'si-te, and Animal Life. These projects are the heart of my work. Learn more about them on my website: www.cleeimages.com.
"My home is Canada, and I love jumping across the pond to travel the unbeaten path. I am always up for an adventure. - Clee
Wanderlust pulses through my veins. When I can combine my travel adventures with photography, there’s nothing like it. It gives me a high like no other—like being surrounded by over 30 wild elephants in Makalali Private Reserve, South Africa, with four lions flanking us, and all you can hear is the click of my camera. Even in my travels, I like to do things differently—mountain biking in the High Atlas Mountains, trekking through the Gobi Desert, backpacking in the jungles of Thailand, flying in a six-seater plane over Angel Falls, exploring the catacombs of Rome, or volunteering at a baboon sanctuary in South Africa. I’ve written about some of my travel adventures on Substack—check the Behind the Lens archive for them, with more to come throughout the year.
When I’m not holding a camera, I’m on the trail. I’m an avid trail runner, and it’s my meditation. Being in nature—hearing the wind gust, the crickets chirp, having to hop over a small snake, or watching a chipmunk scurry by—it is kind of spiritual for me. Finishing a 15k race or half marathon feels almost as rewarding as capturing that perfect shot. And standing on the podium? Even better. It’s like finishing a photo shoot and shouting out in glee because I know I’ve killed it.
I enjoy staying active and am always up for trying something new. I’m vegan for the animals and the suffering caused by animal agriculture. For me, kindness and love are what really matter. The best compliment I’ve gotten is that I’m not a leader or a follower—I just do my own thing.
So, that's me—Carrie Lee, also known as Clee. When I started my photography career, every good name was already taken. So, I combined the first letter of my first name with my last name to create 'Clee.' Over time, it’s become my brand—and, in many ways, it’s become who I am. It’s a compliment when people call me Clee, and most do—even my ex, haha! You can call me Clee too.
P.S. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a little over a year since I launched Behind the Lens on Substack. Starting this journey was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I began with nothing—no email list, just two friends with publications—I knew it would be a slow and steady process. Looking back, I’m absolutely thrilled with the progress I’ve made so far.
While I did put in the effort to bring some of my friends and Instagram followers over, my main goal has always been to connect with the Substack community. One of the first connections I made was with Demi of
. Demi’s recommendation of Behind the Lens brought in a number of subscribers, and I’m incredibly grateful for her support. Her kindness helped me get my footing here on Substack.Thank you, Demi, and a heartfelt thanks to all the publications that have recommended my work. I deeply appreciate every subscriber and follower of Behind the Lens. I’ve made some great connections here and love being part of the Substack community.
As I enter the second year of Behind the Lens, I’m excited to share more stories, dive deeper into my creative process, and bring you more of my photographic work. I hope you’ll continue walking alongside me on this journey. Whether you’ve been here since day one or joined recently, thank you for being part of Behind the Lens. You are what makes it feel like home.
Up Next: Morocco Through My Eyes - I’ll take you to the Morocco I saw: raw, vibrant, and off the beaten path. Expect personal photos, candid memories, and a bit of the adventure that comes with exploring the unexpected.
You sound awesome! Your photos have been riveting. It'd be righteous to work with you one day. Can't wait to see Morocco Behind the Lens!
Clee!! You are amazing 🙌🏻
Loved reading this and love your work! I truly miss working, especially in the editorial and concert field. But never stop being you or creating. That's my motto! And you are extra cool since you're a trail runner! Not easy! 👊🏻😘